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First Detection of VLBI Signals across 8500 km Baseline between TNRT and Effelsberg Radio Telescopes The National Astronomical Research Institute of ...

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Thai National Telescope (TNO) Makes Groundbreaking Discovery of Supern…


The National Astronomical Research Institute (Public Organization) (NARIT), under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation ...

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The 1st Call for Proposals of the 40-m Thai National Radio Telescope (…


Thai National Radio Astronomy Observatory (TNRO) in National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT, Public Organization) are honored to n...

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Birth of a high-mass stellar baby at the center of a disk with spiral …


Ross A. Burns, Yuri Uno, Nobuyuki Sakai, et al., “A Keplerian disk with a four-arm spiral birthing an episodically accreting high-mass protostar”, 202...

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Earth microlensing zone: the Earth is well-hidden from other civilizat…


For decades, we have been searching for intelligent life beyond Earth by pointing radio receivers and telescopes into the sky. The mere existence of t...

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The TNT 2.4 meter telescope under the race of GW sources


The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) participated in the third observational campaign of the LIGO and Virgo gravitational ...

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The First Results from the KaVA Large Program for Star-formation Studi…


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Southeast Asia Planetarium, Education and Outreach Conference 2024

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February 6, 2024 Chiang Mai, Thailand On February 6, 2024, Ambassador Robert F. Godec, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Thailand, ac...

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Access for Student and Researchers

Opportunities for Students and Researchers

The EVA project covers several diverse aspects from technology to computer science to astrophysical research, and therefore it offers opportunities and challenges for many diverse types of contribution.


The specifications required to run a fully robotic facility in an extreme and harsh environment such as those in the Arctic or Antarctic demand a very careful and insightful design. The project will be glad to consider contributions from skilled engineers, as well as from trainees.

IT and data archive

EVA will deliver an estimated 70 Terabytes of data per semester from either Pole, and demand a corresponding ability to store and process the data for offline analysis. At the same time, it will be required to process selected, smaller subsets via an online data pipeline. These requirements call for contributions from skilled programmers as well as students in various fields of computer science.


An EVA Science Group is foreseen to be formed in late 2016, in order to provide recommendations on the optimization of the data analysis and on pipeline recipes. Later on, we foresee to attract a much larger group of scientists and students. In Thailand, we aim not only at involving staff researchers in this project, but also at recruiting several Master and PhD students who will have a opportunity to choose thesis projects with this exciting and ground-breaking facility. 

        For information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


EVA Collaboration


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)

: Nicholas M. Law, Octavi Fors, Jeff Ratzloff 



National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand

: Andrea Richichi, Puji Irawati, David Mkrtichian, Florian Pranger



University of Toronto (Canada)

: Raymond Carlberg 


University of Sydney

University of Sydney (Australia)

: Peter Tuthill


University of New South Wales

University of New South Wales (Australia)

: Michael Ashley


Proposed locations in the Arctic and the Antarctic

We will develop an arctic and antarctic version of Evryscope, building upon the existing experience with the mid-latitude Evryscope at CTIO (EVC in the following). 

Our first proposed deployment site is the EUREKA/Ridge Lab, at 80°N, a facility situated on a 600-m high ridge and designed primarily for atmospheric studies with optical instruments (Figure 1, Figure 2). The laboratory is operated by the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) consortium. This is also the location of the Arctic Wide-field Cameras (AWCams), which are the prototypes of the Evryscope cameras. This “Ridge Lab” has been demonstrated to have excellent weather in the winter months (49% and 86% of winter time is photometric and low extinction, respectively: Steinbring et al. 20121 ), excellent seeing (<1arcsec: Steinbring et al. 20132 ; Hickson et al. 20103 ), and periods of hundreds of hours of clear, dark skies (Sivanandam et al. 20124 ; Law et al. 20125 , 2014a6 ).

The advantages of a first deployment at PEARL is the relative ease of access in terms of bureaucracy, and the relatively inexpensive cost of shipment thanks to the availability of commercial connections. These aspects shall be handled through our Canadian collaborators who are already experienced with deploying scientific experiments at PEARL. 

location 01

Figure 1: Location of EUREKA/Ridge Lab in collaboration with the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at 80◦N in the Canadian High Arctic.

The PEARL site is a challenging environment for precision optics: typical wintertime temperatures are -25 to -40C, and there are occasional storm events that deposit snow and ice with wind speeds as high as 40m/s. PEARL is currently unmanned throughout the winter months, and so the instruments deployed there must be capable of both surviving the conditions and removing accumulated snow. 

location 02

Figure 2: EUREKA/Ridge. The AWCams are installed at the roof of the building.

location 03

Figure 3: Aerial view of the Scott-Amundsen base at the South Pole.

Subsequently, we want to install a second EVA in the Antarctic. The chosen location is the Amundsen-Scott station at the South Pole (latitude 90 South, see Figure 3). This is a well-established, well-supported site which is already home to many astronomical instruments and perfectly fulfills our requirements for continuous night-time observations, albeit with sky conditions which are somewhat inferior to other astronomical sites on the Antarctic Plateau such as Dome A or Dome C (eg, the probability of clear skies at the South Pole is generally quoted as about 40% in winter). 

The reason for our choice is the ease of access, the opportunities for system repairs and maintenance also during the polar night, and the ability to transfer significant amounts of data. Deploying EVA at the Amundsen-Scott station however is a very expensive proposition, both in terms of transport and of the cost of on-site manpower. Access to the Amundsen-Scott Station requires NSF approval; in the event it is granted we rely in our budget on the standard NSF logistical support for science projects at the South Pole.

The environment at the South Pole is much more extreme than at PEARL, and especially ambient temperatures can be significantly lower, reaching in extreme cases to -80C. For this, we have made preliminary tests and will allow for specific design solution.


1 Steinbring E, Ward W, Drummond JR (2012) Astronomical Sky Quality Near Eureka, in the Canadian High Arctic. Publ Astron Soc Pacific 124:185–194. doi: 10.1086/664444

2 Steinbring E, Millar-Blanchaer M, Ngan W, et al (2013) Preliminary DIMM and MASS Nighttime Seeing Measurements at PEARL in the Canadian High Arctic. Publ Astron Soc Pacific 125:866–877. doi: 10.1086/671482

3 Hickson P, Carlberg R, Gagne R, et al (2010) Boundary layer seeing measurements in the Canadian High Arctic. In: Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R, Hall HJ (eds) Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III. Edited by Stepp. p 77331R–77331R–11

4 Sivanandam S, Graham JR, Abraham R, et al (2012) Characterizing near-infrared sky brightness in the Canadian high arctic. In: McLean IS, Ramsay SK, Takami H (eds) Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy IV. Proceedings of the SPIE. p 844643

5 Law NM, Sivanandam S, Murowinski R, et al (2012) New Exoplanet Surveys in the Canadian High Arctic at 80 Degrees North. In: Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R, Hall HJ (eds) Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes IV. Proceedings of the SPIE. p 84445C

6Law NM, Carlberg R, Fors O, et al (2014a) New results from the first exoplanet survey in the Canadian High Arctic. In: Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R, Hall HJ (eds) Proceedings of the SPIE. p 91450H

Science Goals

Science goals for an Evryscope in the Arctic and Antarctic

In this section we highlight the reasons for building an Evryscope for the Arctic and Antarctic (EVA), enabling a wide range of science that cannot effectively be performed with the current mid-latitude system. 

Optical time-domain astronomy programs can achieve uninterrupted coverage of their target fields by observing from space, constructing multiple observing sites spanning the globe, or by observing from near the North or South poles. Already developed Polar sites can perhaps offer the most attractive combination of ease of access and maintenance, at the cost of the hardening required for equipment to survive the extremely cold conditions. The continuously dark winter sky at the Poles offers an opportunity to build a new type of sky survey: one that continuously images half of the entire sky at minute timescales with no day-night window interruptions.

Advantages of observations from the polar regions

An EVA system will have many advantages compared to a similar system at mid-latitudes. In the following we list some of them in the context of exoplanet studies, but in fact they are applicable also to many other areas such as stellar variability, asteroseismology, microlensing, supernovae and more, as described in the following subsections. Some of them are:

        - achieve a factor-of-five increase in sensitivity to habitable exoplanets because of the continuous winter darkness (Figure 1; Law et al. 2013)1 ,

        - have the ability to detect exoplanet transits from long-period systems because of the lack of day-night window interruption,

        - reach much smaller exoplanets than the current system because of reduced systematics, see below,

        - achieve truly-continuous observations which are the only way to attain a near-certainty of detecting and following rare transients before, during and after the events,

        - achieve better photometric systematics due to zero diurnal airmass variation, to generally low scintillation levels, and to other factors such as very low aerosols, water vapor, etc. 

Here we list some science cases where EVA can play a key role, but clearly more are possible which will no doubt become clear as the science data will come in. The fact that continuous (i.e. days and weeks, as opposed to hours) observations of regular as well as transient variability have never been performed until now, certainly opens the door to the possibility of new, exciting discoveries.  Each partner of the EVA consortium has its own science cases of interest, but much more will be available also to external collaborators.

science 01

Figure 1: Factor-of-five increase in detection sensitivity to habitable exoplanets from a continuous winter darkness site with respect to a mid-latitude site.

1. Exoplanet surveys 

Current exoplanet transit surveys are limited to fields of view of 100-1000 square degrees and so cannot effectively search for transits around large samples of stars that occur rarely in the sky. EVA would have an order-of-magnitude larger field of view than the next-largest current exoplanet surveys, along with an improved detection sensitivity of up to five times in long-period exoplanets because of the continuous winter coverage. This would enable the following exoplanet key projects: 

First Arctic and Antarctic Large-Scale Survey for Habitable Planets Transiting White Dwarfs: At least 1/3 of WDs have metal contamination in their atmosphere suggesting that there could be small rocky bodies around them (e.g. Raddi et al. 2015)2 . Recent theoretical work has suggested that rocky debris could be indicative of migration processes that would bring rocky planets close enough to the WDs for transit detection (Veras et al. 2015)3 . The detection of a transiting planet around a WD gives us insights into the characteristics of planets in this exotic environment; the planetary system evolution during the star's red giant phase; and constraints on the properties of very small rocky bodies. White dwarfs (WDs) are attractive transit-search targets because their small size enables the detection of extremely small objects: rocky planets can occult the star, moon-sized objects give 10%-range transit signals, and large asteroids, groups of smaller objects (planetesimals) or dust clouds have been very recently detected around a metal polluted WD by Vanderburg et al. 2015 ; Croll et al. 2015, and may be a common scenario (Drake et al. 20104 , Agol 20115 , Law et al. 20156 ).

The small WD diameter reduces the transit time to minutes rather than hours for solar-type stars. Surveys thus require a very high observational duty cycle on each target to have a reasonable chance of detecting the transits. Since bright white dwarfs are rare, it has been very difficult to monitor more than one target at a time at the necessary cadence with conventional telescopes, let alone the 1,000+ targets required for a reasonable chance of detection. EVA gives us the field of view required to monitor the few-thousand brightest WDs at rapidly enough to detect transits; these are also the WDs bright enough (g<16.5) to feasibly follow-up exoplanet detections.

science 02

Figure 2: The probability of detecting a transiting rocky planet around a white dwarf in one month of EVA data, based on detailed simulations of our detection efficiency, detection algorithms and correlated noise.

EVA will be able to simultaneously and without  daily interruption observe hundreds of WDs with better than 10% photometric precision in each two-minute exposure, and will cover more than 1000 WDs each night (Law et al. 2015). This will enable us to place limits on the populations of – or even discover – Mercury-sized objects in the ~day-orbital-period habitable zone of the WD (Figure 5). The geometric transit probability for habitable-zone planets around WDs is approximately 1%, so our initial 1000-white-dwarf survey will place the first 30%-level constraints on the fraction of habitable planets around WDs, even with no detections (Agol 2011). During this search, the EVA will also detect new eclipsing WD binaries and periodically variable WDs. 

As our survey continues, we will expand to longer-period planets and to much larger target lists. Because the WDs are so small, even faint targets can be effectively searched for rocky-planet transits by searching for drop-outs where the white dwarf disappears for a few minutes. In a later stage of our search we will greatly expand our target list by searching for Earth-sized transiting planets around WDs too faint to be detected at high significance in each EVA exposure. Standard transit search algorithms like BLS (Kovács et al. 2002)7  search for significant drops in period-folded light curves. We will develop an equivalent algorithm that period-stacks the EVA images themselves, allowing us to search for periodic drop-outs of white dwarfs as faint as g=18.

Furthermore, spectroscopically-confirmed WD catalogs are still incomplete even at relatively bright magnitude limits, but here the rapid transit timescale assists us: a periodic two-minute-long flux reduction of a candidate white dwarf leaves very few possible false positives. In the final stage of our survey, we will search for repeated rapid dropouts, still further expanding our target list.

This WDs survey from the polar regions is perfectly complementary to the mid-latitude southern version we are currently conducting with Evryscope at CTIO.

science 03

Figure 3: TESS 2-year sky coverage map. The JWST continuous viewing zone is overlapping with EVA continuous FoV.

TESS synergies: the TESS exoplanet-survey mission, the follow-up to the Kepler mission, will cover the entire sky in 2,000 square-degree chunks, starting in 2017. TESS will cover the majority of the sky for ~27 days, allowing the detection of planets with periods up to ~two weeks (Ricker et al. 2014)8 . The JWST continuous viewing zone partly overlaps with EVA continuous FoV during the winter (Figure 3). Given these unique TESS-EVA continuous viewing overlapping zones conditions, EVA can play a key role in TESS planetary yield enhancement. The planet population increases towards longer periods (e.g. Howard et al. 2012)9  and so a large fraction of the transit events TESS discovers will be single events from long-period planets that cannot be confirmed within the standard 27-day or 54-day stare periods (Figure 6). EVA's long-term dataset will provide the time baseline required to find multiple transit events from these planets, and the system's homogenous dataset across the entire Northern sky will enable a comprehensive search for transit events. The very-high-SNR TESS single transit events will allow us to pick out single targets and shorter lengths of EVA data to search for transits. This will greatly decrease the required significance of individual detections in EVA data, and allow the detection of much smaller planets than we can achieve with our untargeted surveys. Compared to other surveys, EVA's much higher cadence and longer-term coverage on each part of the Northern sky (as opposed to selected fields observed in sequence) will allow us to co-add hundreds or thousands of data points per phase-folded transit on even long-period planets – moving long-period planets as small as Neptune from unconfirmed single dips to confirmed planets, and thus greatly enhancing the TESS planet yield.

Bright Stars: Follow-up observations of transiting exoplanets, by either emission spectra during secondary eclipse or transmission spectroscopy, have revealed direct measurements of albedos, atmospheric composition, chemistry, and even phase curves showing features on the planetary cloud layers. These observations have been performed for only a very few planets, however, because they require a star which is significantly brighter than most narrow-field transit searches can currently monitor in their relatively narrow fields of view. Pushing to extremely bright naked-eye stars with EVA will require stacking reduced exposure-time images (to recover scintillation limited performance without saturation); we will perform test surveys to evaluate the feasibility of this search, which will be sensitive to long-term planets not accessible to the TESS mission (Figure 4).

science 04

Figure 4: EVA survey will monitor 70,000 stars g<10 for increasing planetary yield around very bright stars, which will be amenable to follow up atmospheric characterization.

science 05

Figure 5: The probability of detecting a transiting rocky planet around an M-dwarf in 1 and 3 years of EVC data, based on detailed simulations of our detection efficiency, detection algorithms and correlated noise. Detection probability for EVA will be larger due to its 5×improved detection sensitivity to long-period exoplanets because of the continuous winter coverage.

Ms dwarfs: Despite being the most common stellar type in our galaxy, the transiting planetary population around M-dwarfs has not yet been explored in detail because of their extreme faintness compared to solar-type stars. Recent Kepler planetary population statistics suggest that the nearest transiting rocky planet in the habitable zone of an M-dwarf is less than 9pc away from us (Dressing et al. 2013)10 . However, to have a chance of finding these planets around M-dwarfs bright enough and nearby enough to use for characterization, a large sample of nearby, bright M-dwarfs must be covered. In turn, their random and sparse distribution across the sky means we must cover a very large sky area to reach a significant number of targets. Kepler can only cover a few faint thousand targets in this mass range (Dressing et al. 2013) and individually-targeted surveys like MEarth are also limited to a few thousand bright M-dwarfs at most (Berta et al. 2013)11 , while TESS can only reach the habitable zone for the targets in its relatively small continuous viewing zone. EVA is capable of simultaneously monitoring all bright, nearby late K stars and M-dwarfs (>5000) over years for transiting rocky planets. With few-millimagnitude photometric precision for all targets, and the ability to reach month-period objects in the habitable zones of those stars (Law et al. 2015), EVA is sensitive to planets as small as a few Earth radii around mid-M-dwarfs (Figure 5). In addition, EVA is also sensitive to giant planets around ~30000 M-dwarfs.

Nearby-star microlensing: Typical galactic exoplanet microlensing events occur as much shorter timescale bumps in week-scale stellar events. Most microlensing surveys (for example, OGLE; Udalski et al. 200812 ) have been performed with larger telescopes observing relatively the large population of background stars in small fields towards the galactic plane. However, occasional spectacular events around relatively nearby stars (Han 200813  ; Gaudi et al. 200814 ) have demonstrated that a sufficiently large-area survey has the opportunity to detect much closer events – and detect planets smaller than Earth in habitable-zone orbits (Figure 6). EVA’s few-minute temporal resolution and high photometric precision mean that planetary signatures will be directly detectable in the light curves (this has recently been demonstrated in smaller fields by Shvartzvald et al. 2014). We expect to detect several near-field microlensing events per year.

science 06

Figure 6: Rocky planet in 2.6AU orbit around M-dwarf (i=14.2) (Beaulieu et al. 2006).

2. Stellar variability

EVA will monitor the brightness of millions of stars across the sky each night, building up a multi-year, two-minute-cadence database of stellar activity for every star brighter than g=16.5 visible from the polar regions. This will enable the detection and characterization of unprecedented numbers of young and active stars, long-period eclipsing binaries that can be used to constrain the mass/radius relation, as well as the detection of a wide variety of other types of stellar variability (flares, stellar merger events, accreting compact objects, and exotic pulsators).

Exoplanet detection from eclipsing and pulsating stars: Transit, eclipse and pulsation timing variations allow us to measure the influence of other bodies in a system on the transiting/eclipsing/pulsating body’s orbit. Current surveys must target individually-interesting systems (e.g. Marsh et al. (2013))15 . EVA will monitor tens of thousands of eclipsing binaries and pulsating stars simultaneously, including minute-precision timing of every eclipse and pulse cycle. Performing this search from the polar regions will allow a push to much longer-period systems, much more comprehensive eclipse monitoring, and thus a much higher probability of planet detection.

Prominences and flares in white dwarf binaries: Prominences  and  flares  are  two  of  many  atmospheric  activities  exhibited  by  our  Sun.  During  these  events, large amounts of material are released from the Sun’s surface, often thousand of kilometres up from the Sun’s photosphere. Prominences are arcs of gas, held above the surface of the Sun by a strong magnetic field. This gas, which contains cool and dense material, will appear as dark  filaments  against the Solar disk. Typical  prominences  erupt  quickly  and  last  several  minutes  to  hours,  but  the  quiescent  ones  can persist for weeks or months. Prominences are also observed in other stars such as in the young T Tauri stars,  where  the  eruptions  are  thousand  times  more  energetic  and  frequent  than  the  ones  of  our  Sun (Aarnio  et  al.  2012)16 .  In  close  binaries,  evidences  of  slingshot  prominences  have  been  recorded spectroscopically by several authors, e.g. QS Vir (Parsons et al. 2011)17  and SDSS J0039+0054 (Southworth et al. 2010)18 . The eruptive events in these binaries are known to originate from the active M dwarf companions.

A more complex and long-lived profile was recently found in another eclipsing WD binary, SDSS J1021+1744 (Irawati et al. 2016)19 . This system has an unusual light curve (Figure 7), believed to be caused by large prominences and the ejected materials which are trapped close to the Lagrangian L5 point in this binary. Using EVA, we will monitor other WD systems to detect the signature of prominences, as well as other variabilities in these binaries. The polar location of EVA will allow us the unprecedented ability to monitor a large number of successive eclipses, thus following in detail the temporal evolution of the prominences.

science 07

Figure 7: The light curve of SDSS J1021+1744 showing a flare and two consecutive eclipses with dips at orbital phase 0.18 and 1.15 (adapted from Irawati et al. 2016). The data is binned to match the EVA exposure time of ~120s.

3. Asteroseismology of oEA stars

The EVA project will provide, during the long polar night, millions of well sampled, long time-span, nearly continuous, gapless light curves of all types of pulsating stars across the H-R diagram. This will be a treasure trove for asteroseismology, which is based on the analysis of continuous, well sampled,  uninterrupted light curves. This kind of data have determined, e.g., the great success of the KEPLER space mission, but in the case of EVA we will be monitoring a sample of stars larger by many orders of magnitude. The excellent spectral windows function of the EVA data will greatly simplify multiple period search and will provide the detection and deep study of oscillation spectra. We will then be able to generate accurate asteroseismic models for an unprecedented number of pulsating stars. 

An example is the asteroseismic study of the semi-detached (Algol-type) eclipsing binaries with the mass-accreting pulsating components (so called oEA stars, Mkrtichian et al., 2007)20 . A typical continuous light curve of the Algol-type system WUMi obtained by AWCams. We will use pulsation variations extracted from the binary photometric curve. Figure 8 shows the 3-D hydrodynamic simulation of mass transfer in RZ Cas - a typical Algol-type system with oEA component. The unique peculiarity of these objects among other type of pulsating stars is the influence of cyclic variations of the magnetic activity of the Roche lobe-filling cool component on the generation of the high-mass transfer events. These transfer/accretion events influence the pulsational properties of mass-accreting stars and the forced pulsation amplitude and frequency variations. This physical process makes it possible to apply asteroseismic methods to study the short-term dynamical evolution of binary system, and the accretion- and tidal-driven acceleration or breaking of the components. We will be able to generate 3-D models of the mass transfer for different systems  and determine the geometry of interaction of gas streams with the atmospheres of oEA stars.

science 08

Figure 8 The 3-D  gas-dynamic simulation of the mass-transfer in theAlgol-type system RZ Cas having a rapidly-pulsating (~22min) mass-accreting component.  The gas streaming via the L1 point  strikes the atmosphere of the oscillating star, causing strong differential rotation that could be measured by asterosesmic methods.

4. Asteroseismology of hot stars

The asteroseismic potential of wide-field surveys is rapidly being realised, with the use of pulsating red giants from Kepler/K2 data to map stellar populations being just one recent example. Of all the asteroseismic data available, it is the hot, massive stars that have received the least attention, yet these stars play a dominant role in the luminosity function and gas kinematics of the galaxy. Despite this, state-of-the-art contemporary photometric missions are ill-equipped to observe them. The Kepler Space Telescope has a narrow field of view, and is restricted to relatively bright targets. The part of the galaxy that the original Kepler mission hosts few young, massive stars. It’s successor mission, K2, looks instead along the ecliptic, however nearby O stars will be too bright to be observed. On the other hand, the upcoming TESS mission has greater sky coverage, but with the exception of small regions near the poles, it will only observe each patch of sky for 27 days, and most of the targets will have only 30-minute sampling. However the key science drivers for the asteroseismic study of hot stars require both longer monitoring (to explore pulsation period and amplitude stability) and ideally higher cadence to properly Nyquist sample the variations. EVA offers both, with high quality photometric data on these important stars at high cadence, and for long periods of time. There are three (inter-related) science drivers. Firstly, pulsations in high-mass stars can probe the extent of the convective core and allow us to measure the amount of overshoot. This is important because it can give important observational constraints on some poorly understood aspects of stellar evolution. Second is the exciting possibility of measuring internal rotation from its effects on pulsation frequencies; also an important aspect of stellar structure that is currently not well constrained by observations. Finally, the extent of diffusive mixing can be obtained, which for these stars is more important than convection in mixing material over the core boundary.

5. Extragalactic Transients and Supernovae

Supernovae and GRBs: The highest impact supernova discoveries have resulted from the most nearby events (distance <~20 Mpc). The detailed multi-wavelength studies enabled for these sources more than compensates for their relative rarity; the most prominent example is SN2011fe in M101 (Figure 9), which for the first time provided direct evidence of a white dwarf progenitor for a type Ia supernova (Nugent et al. 2011)21 . EVA will obtain high-cadence light curves even from before the supernova explosion, enabling a search for pre-outbursts and early-time shock breakout. Co-adding will push the depth to up to V=19 on hour timescales, sufficient to monitor nearby supernovae as they occur. The dataset will also provide imaging of prompt optical emission from ~10 GRBs per year on minute time scales, not only immediately following GRB triggers, but pre-imaging those fields on minute cadences before the explosion. Compared to mid-latitude sites, the continuous coverage available in the Arctic will greatly increase the probability of covering an event while the system is operating (also important for intrinsically rare events such as searching for gravitational wave electromagnetic counterparts), as well as allowing the first uninterrupted high-cadence light curves for all bright transients. 

science 09

Figure 9: A simulated EVA image of SN2011fe, a very nearby bright supernova detected by the Palomar Transient Factory (Law et al. 2009). Based on an LCOGT image of the supernova soon after discovery (Nugent et al. 2011), with simulated EVA’s 13′′/pixel sampling and camera-lens point-spread-functions applied. The supernova is clearly distinguishable from the background structure of even this nearby, bright galaxy.

SN-rates in nearby galaxy clusters and implications for galaxy evolution and ICM metal enrichment: A conservative extrapolation of previous results by e.g. Gal-Yam et al. (2008)22 , based on a redshift-cut of z≈0.1 (corresponding to a mag-cut of V≈19), results in an estimate of ~100 SNe to be detected by EVA during one observation period (i.e. arctic/antarctic winter). In both fields-of-view (North & South) there are >30 Abell clusters with a robustly determined redshift below 0.1.

It is hence feasible to obtain statistically relevant samples of SNe in nearby cluster and field galaxies. Given that the redshifts/radial distances of these SNe can be determined either by prompt follow-up spectroscopy or by a restriction of the sample to standard-candle Type-Ia SNe, these samples can be used to:

a) derive SN-rates as functions of local/global environment (field vs. cluster, position within the cluster, cluster richness, cluster BM-type, galaxy type and stellar mass where known). The results will contribute to further constrain the SN-rate in different environments in the local Universe. This figure is crucial for models of metal enrichment in the IGM and ICM (see e.g. Aguirre et al. 200123 , Tornatore et al. 200424 ).

b) correlate SN-rates and star-formation rates and derive SFR-histories in low-z galaxy clusters. SN-rates for differently dense regions of galaxy clusters will facilitate more accurate studies of the correlation between SNe and star-formation activity (see Figure 10). In a wider context, the EVA findings will contribute to answering the general question of the correlation between the spectro-photometric and morphological evolution of galaxies and their environment.

science 10

Figure 10: Rate of Type-Ia SNe vs. galaxy stellar mass for star-forming and passive galaxies (from Graur & Maoz, 2013)

c) derive rates/properties of intergalactic ("hostless") SNe in low-z galaxy clusters. Several studies published in the recent years describe robust detections of intra-cluster light (e.g. Lin & Mohr 200425 , Coccato et al. 201126 ,  Presotto et al. 201427 ). Consequently, the ubiquitous Type-Ia SNe are supposed to occur also outside galaxies but within clusters. Such rare events could be detected by EVA in a hitherto unmatched number, facilitating the first statistically robust study on the chemical history of intra-cluster light.

In addition, high-cadence photometry of SNe detected by EVA will allow to split up (at least the closer part of) the SN sample into sub-samples (beyond the established SN classification scheme), according to specific characteristics, e.g. the early onset phase of the SNe. These specific characteristics themselves will already be interesting to study. Moreover, they can again be set in context with the large-scale environment in order to search for correlations between properties at SN scale and larger scales. 

Type Ia SNe at redshifts below 0.01 reach mags beyond 14. Based on the previous estimate for the number of SNe to be detected by EVA it is justified to expect at least a dozen of these events per polar winter.

Unknown or unexpected transients: EVA's very rapid cadence, extremely large field of view, and large étendue explores a new region of survey parameter space and may therefore reveal new unknown optical transients that would be rejected as cosmic rays or single-detection asteroids in longer-cadence surveys. For example, extreme millisecond radio transients with currently unknown origins have recently been discovered (e.g. Thornton et al. 2013 ; Coenen et al. 2014) (Figure 11). Due to their rarity and millisecond-scale speed, there is currently no way to get useful constraints on their optical brightness. EVA dataset will allow us to obtain simultaneous optical brightness limits (or even detections) on a minute-by-minute basis. This mode will also allow confirmation of transients detected in archival data taken at other wavelengths in new all-sky surveys such as the LWA (Hallinan 201428 ) and LOFAR (van Haarlen 201329 ).

science 11

Figure 11: An example of millisecond radio transient detected by Thornton et al. (2013). EVA's very rapid cadence, extremely large field of view will allow to detect optical counterparts of such events

1Law NM, Carlberg R, Salbi P, et al (2013) EXOPLANETS FROM THE ARCTIC: THE FIRST WIDE-FIELD SURVEY AT 80°N. Astron J 145:58. doi: 10.1088/0004-6256/145/3/58

2 Raddi R, Gansicke BT, Koester D, et al (2015) Likely detection of water-rich asteroid debris in a metal-polluted white dwarf. Mon Not R Astron Soc 450:2083–2093. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stv701

3Veras D, Eggl S, Gänsicke BT (2015) Sublimation-induced orbital perturbations of extrasolar active asteroids and comets: application to white dwarf systems. Mon Not R Astron Soc 452:1945–1957. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stv1417

4 Drake  AJ, Beshore  E, Catelan  M, et al (2010) Discovery of eclipsing white dwarf systems in a search for Earth-size companions.


6Law  NM, Fors  O, Ratzloff  J, et al (2015a) The Evryscope: the first all-sky gigapixel-scale telescope.

7Kovács G, Zucker S, Mazeh T (2002) A box-fitting algorithm in the search for periodic transits. Astron Astrophys 391:369–377. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361:20020802

8 Ricker GR, Winn JN, Vanderspek R, et al (2014) Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). In: Oschmann JM, Clampin M, Fazio GG, MacEwen HA (eds) Proceedings of the SPIE. p 914320

9Howard AW, Marcy GW, Bryson ST, et al (2012) PLANET OCCURRENCE WITHIN 0.25 AU OF SOLAR-TYPE STARS FROM KEPLER. Astrophys J Suppl Ser 201:15. doi: 10.1088/0067-0049/201/2/15

10Dressing CD, Charbonneau D (2013) THE OCCURRENCE RATE OF SMALL PLANETS AROUND SMALL STARS. Astrophys J 767:95. doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/767/1/95

11 Berta ZK, Irwin J, Charbonneau D (2013) CONSTRAINTS ON PLANET OCCURRENCE AROUND NEARBY MID-TO-LATE M DWARFS FROM THE MEARTH PROJECT. Astrophys J 775:91. doi: 10.1088/0004-637X/775/2/91

12 Udalski  A, Szymanski  MK, Soszynski  I, Poleski  R (2008) The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Final Reductions of the OGLE-III Data. Acta Astron 58:69–87.

13 Han C (2008) Near‐Field Microlensing from Wide‐Field Surveys. Astrophys J 681:806–813. doi: 10.1086/588083

14Gaudi BS, Patterson J, Spiegel DS, et al (2008) Discovery of a Very Bright, Nearby Gravitational Microlensing Event. Astrophys J 677:1268–1277. doi: 10.1086/529482

15Marsh TR, Parsons SG, Bours MCP, et al (2013) The planets around NN Serpentis: still there. Mon Not R Astron Soc 437:475–488. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stt1903

16 Aarnio A, Llama J, Jardine M, Gregory SG (2012) Mechanical equilibrium of hot, large-scale magnetic loops on T Tauri stars. Mon Not R Astron Soc 421:1797–1802. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2012.20434.x

17 Parsons SG, Marsh TR, Gänsicke BT, Tappert C (2011) A stellar prominence in the white dwarf/red dwarf binary QS Vir: evidence for a detached system. Mon Not R Astron Soc 412:2563–2570. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.18073.x

18 Southworth J, Marsh TR, Gänsicke BT, et al (2010) Orbital periods of cataclysmic variables identified by the SDSS. Astron Astrophys 524:A86. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201015633

19Irawati P, Richichi A, Bours MCP, et al (2016) A large, long-lived structure near the trojan L5 point in the post common-envelope binary SDSS J1021+1744. Mon Not R Astron Soc 456:2446.

20Mkrtichian  DE, Kim  S-L, Rodríguez  E, et al (2007) The oEA Stars.

21Nugent PE, Sullivan M, Cenko SB, et al (2011) Supernova SN 2011fe from an exploding carbon-oxygen white dwarf star. Nature 480:344–7. doi: 10.1038/nature10644

22 Gal‐Yam A, Maoz D, Guhathakurta P, Filippenko A V. (2008) Supernovae in Low‐Redshift Galaxy Clusters: Observations by the Wise Observatory Optical Transient Search (WOOTS). Astrophys J 680:550–567. doi: 10.1086/587680

23Aguirre A, Hernquist L, Schaye J, et al (2001) Metal Enrichment of the Intergalactic Medium in Cosmological Simulations. Astrophys J 561:521–549. doi: 10.1086/323370

24 Tornatore L, Borgani S, Matteucci F, et al (2004) Simulating the metal enrichment of the intracluster medium. Mon Not R Astron Soc 349:L19–L24. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.07689.x

25 Lin Y, Mohr JJ (2004) K ‐band Properties of Galaxy Clusters and Groups: Brightest Cluster Galaxies and Intracluster Light. Astrophys J 617:879–895. doi: 10.1086/425412

26 Coccato L, Gerhard O, Arnaboldi M, Ventimiglia G (2011) Stellar population and the origin of intra-cluster stars around brightest cluster galaxies: the case of NGC 3311. Astron Astrophys 533:A138. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201117546

27Presotto V, Girardi M, Nonino M, et al (2014) Intracluster light properties in the CLASH-VLT cluster MACS J1206.2-0847. Astron Astrophys 565:A126. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201323251

28 Hallinan  G (2014) The Owens Valley LWA.

29van Haarlem MP, Wise MW, Gunst AW, et al (2013) LOFAR: The LOw-Frequency ARray. Astron Astrophys 556:A2. doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201220873

Polar EVA

Technical challenges of an EVA system

We will initially deploy EVA at an arctic site like PEARL. This poses additional technical challenges in the design, testing and on-site operations, with respect to a mid-latitude system such as the one at Cerro Tololo (EVC). EVA is designed to be a completely robotic and autonomous system. Unattended operation and the dozens of separate camera systems necessitate designing for high reliability and a minimum of moving parts. Our design uses interline CCDs with an electronic shutter and a single filter per camera. The instrument can thus operate throughout the winter with the R.A. drive as the single moving part.

The EVA system at PEARL must be able to survive:

        1) -50°C external temperatures, including the possibility of a cold soak for all internal components in the case of a power outage.

        2) 100+mph winds with blowing snow during storm events.

In the following we list the critical points of an EVA with respect to the already built EVC, starting with the requirements for arctic operation and then with those for the Antarctic:

Power: ~1kW will be required to run EVA at PEARL at full load capacity, including all computers, cameras, the mount and all ancillary hardware. The Evryscope hardware runs from a common 12V bus, which must be capable of providing ~100A of current. Power supplies tend to be the most problematic items with respect to low temperatures. Electrolytic capacitors tend to freeze and stop working while below ~-50C. We have two plans to tackle this challenge: 1) to purchase properly cold-rated power supplies and test them before deployment. These power supplies would run inside the heated mushroom at a temperature ~5-0C most of the time, except when an outage occurred. 2) an alternative plan is putting lower-spec 12V supplies in a warm room near the telescope.

Heating system: EVA’s “mushroom” (dome) and mount base will need to be protect from the Arctic conditions all the equipment, mechanics and electronics inside. This protection will be achieved by weather-sealing the whole structure, and building a heating and air circulation system that warms the camera electronics and keeps the optical surfaces clear of snow and ice. The heating will be largely performed by waste heat from the camera thermoelectric CCD cooling systems, with supplemental heaters available in high wind conditions.

Cameras windows snow and ice sublimation: Again, as in the case of AWCams (Arctic Wide-Field Cameras, already installed at PEARL), EVA’s camera windows will need to be designed to maintain a temperature just below freezing on their external surfaces, so accumulated snow and ice slowly sublimes away rather than melting and possibly pooling and refreezing elsewhere. This strategy has proved successful through several feet of snow accumulation over three winters for AWCams.

Snow accumulation prevention system: PEARL has occasional winter storm episodes with wind speed as high as 40m/s that can drive up to 3 feet of snow on EVA’s mushroom and mount base sides. In order to remove that snow accumulation after the storm, EVA mushroom and mount base will have two active systems for that purpose. First, stiff rubber strips will be installed all the way the bottom part of the mushroom rim and the upper part of the mount base rim. Second, thermoelectric heaters will be installed inside the bottom part of the mushroom and the upper part of the mount base. These will slowly sublime away the snow that could have accumulated inside the rubber strips.

Unmanned site: PEARL is an unmanned site during winter. Thus EVA control system (software & hardware) must be totally autonomous, including a simple and bandwidth cheap way to get a complete diagnostic in case of manual remote intervention is required. At the time of writing, we have 7 months of experience of autonomous control and operations of EVC, and the system is operating very reliably. Thus, the EVC to EVA control system migration should be straightforward, especially as no dome control is needed.

Tests and refurbishments for the South Pole: Our ultimate goal is to locate EVA at the South Pole as well. The experience gained in operatating EVA at PEARL will be of crucial importance as many of the problems facing an antarctic deployment can be extensively tested. Among them, the issues of ice formation, snow removal, unattended operation, limited servicing, data transfer.

The South Pole is however a much more extreme environment than the Arctic. For example, while the minimum ambient temperatures are about -40C at PEARL, they can reach -80C at the South Pole. We don’t plan to expose our hardware directly to such conditions: inside the “mushroom” shell, the lenses, electronics, detectors will be operated normally at about 0C, thanks to the presence of heaters and of thermal dissipation. However, we have to foresee the case of possible prolonged black-outs. In this case, the equipment inside the shell might slowly drop to ambient temperature. From there, when the power is back, the heaters would bring the temperature again to normal operating values (a process which could last up to one day), then the electronics would be switched-on again and operations would resume.

Cold-soak tests: such extreme thermal cycles might have a significant impact on the materials, and to make sure that our design is safe in this respect we have planned extensive tests. First, we have purchased a test set of lens, detector, and electronics, from the same companies from which we will purchase the final components. This test set has been subjected to repeated thermal cycles between room temperature, 0C, and  -80C to simulate the effects of a possible long-term blackout during the coldest times at the South Pole. The results of these tests, carried out using equipment provided by the University of New South Wales in Sydney in January 2016, were positive. Further, we plan to procure custom-made power supplies in the first part of 2016 and to test them as well.


Introduction to the concept: the CTIO Evryscope

Astronomy is moving into an era of extremely large time-domain surveys. Synoptic sky surveys like Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) generally cover very large sky areas to detect rare events. Since it is usually infeasible to cover thousands of square degrees with a single telescope, they repeatedly observe few-degree-wide fields, use large apertures to achieve deep imaging, and tile their observations across the sky over days. The resulting survey, such as the Palomar Transient Factory (Law et al. 2009)1 , Pan-STARRS (Kaiser et al. 2010)2 , SkyMapper (Keller et al. 2007)3 , CRTS (Djorgovski et al. 2011)4 , ATLAS (Tonry et al. 2011)5 , and many others, is necessarily optimized for events such as supernovae that occur on day-or-longer timescales. These surveys are not sensitive to the very diverse class of shorter-timescale objects, including transiting exoplanets, young stellar variability, eclipsing binaries, microlensing planet events, gamma ray bursts, young supernovae, and other exotic transients, which are currently only studied with individual telescopes continuously staring at relatively small fields of view.

Figure 1: Cutaway diagram of the CTIO Evryscope; 24 cameras are mounted into a 6ft-diameter hemisphere.

With these considerations in mind, UNC designed and developed the first Evryscope, now operational at CTIO. This Evryscope (Figure 1) uses a large array of small telescopes to cover the entire visible sky in each and every exposure, repeatedly imaging the sky and stacking images to achieve depth. This technique has been prohibitively expensive up to now because of the cost of the extremely large number of pixels required to cover the sky with reasonable sampling, and the consequent data-storage and analysis facility requirements. The rise of consumer digital imaging and low-cost hard disks offer solutions to both these problems. The Evryscope uses mass-produced compact CCD cameras, compact mass-produced camera lenses, and a novel camera mounting scheme to make a low-cost 691 megapixel robotic telescope that images 8,000 square degrees in each exposure – a 7cm telescope pointed at every part of the accessible visible sky simultaneously.

The Evryscope is designed to open a new parameter space for optical astronomy, trading instantaneous depth and sky sampling for continuous coverage of much larger sky areas. The Evryscope has 10% of the enormous planned LSST étendue, and the largest étendue of any current ground-based surveys (Figure 2). Also, the large number of pixels combined with an exceptional field of view makes The Evryscope unique among current surveys (Figure 3) and allows for surveys scales which were previously unreachable.

Figure 2: The Evryscope's étendue (collecting area * field of view) compared to other current ground-based sky surveys.

Figure 3: Evryscope's number of pixels vs. field of view compared to other current ground-based sky surveys.


1 Law NM, Kulkarni SR, Dekany RG, et al (2009) The Palomar Transient Factory: System Overview, Performance, and First Results. Publ Astron Soc Pacific 121:1395–1408. doi: 10.1086/648598

2 Kaiser N, Burgett W, Chambers K, et al (2010) The Pan-STARRS wide-field optical/NIR imaging survey. In: Stepp LM, Gilmozzi R, Hall HJ (eds) Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes III. Edited by Stepp. p 77330E–77330E–14

3 Keller SC, Schmidt BP, Bessell MS, et al (2007) The SkyMapper Telescope and The Southern Sky Survey. Publ Astron Soc Aust 24:1–12. doi: 10.1071/AS07001

4 Djorgovski  SG, Drake  AJ, Mahabal  AA, et al (2011) The Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS).

5Tonry  J (2011) ATLAS: An Asteroid Warning System.


We want to build EVA (Evryscope for the Arctic and Antarctic), the first ultra-wide-field synoptic sky survey to be conducted from either Pole. The system is based on the successful Evryscope concept, already installed and operating since 2015 at Cerro Tololo in Chile with the following characteristics: robotic operation, ~8,000 square degrees simultaneous sky coverage, 2-minute cadence, milli-mag level photometric accuracy, pipelined data processing for real-time analysis and full data storage for off-line analysis. 

        The science goals enabled by this unique combination of almost full-sky coverage and high temporal cadence are several, and include among others ground-breaking forays in the fields of exoplanets, of stellar variability, of asteroseismology, of supernovae and more. In addition, the EVA polar locations (first in the High Arctic at the PEARL station on Ellesmere island, and then at the South Pole at the Amundsen-Scott station) will enable unprecedented time coverage during the polar night, with uninterrupted observations lasting in principle over weeks and months. 

        While a polar location is certainly challenging in terms of environment and serviceability, we are confident that we can contain the costs and minimize the risks by building upon the proven Evryscope design already working at CTIO, by using off-the-shelf components for the bulk of the hardware and by benefitting from our wide experience of logistics and operation at the PEARL station. For the South Pole deployment, we will seek NSF funding to cover the potentially very expensive logistics costs. 

        We plan to have first light at the PEARL station in the winter of 2017-18. We foresee to involve about 10 scientists directly in the project starting in 2016, with the potential for a much larger group from 2018. Eventually, we plan to make the EVA data public after a proprietary period. In Thailand, we aim not only at involving staff researchers in this project, but also at recruiting several Master and PhD students who will have a opportunity to choose thesis projects with this exciting and ground-breaking facility. 

        For information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TST Time Request Form

Filter Wheel

Apogee, FW50-9R


Filter wheel

9 positions for 50mm round filters

Max. filter thickness



3.5 lbs. (1.6 kg) with filters


1.1" (2.75 cm) with mounting plate

Camera mount method

Adapter plate attached to any Ascent camera

Mechanical mount

3" 24 threads/inch

Power input

12V DC


USB 2.0


Apogee, F42

CCD Specifications


e2v, back illuminated, grade 1

Array Size (pixels)

2048 x 2048

Pixel Size

13.5 x 13.5 microns

Imaging Area

27.6 x 27.6mm (764mm2)

Imaging Diagonal


>52% (MB); 75% (BB)

Peak QE (550nm)




Camera System Performance

PC Interface

USB 2.0

Max. Cable Length

5 meters between hubs; 5 hubs maximum (max. total of 30m)

Digital Resolution

16 bits to 5 MHz

System Noise (typical)

9 e- RMS at 1 MHz

Pixel Binning

1 x 1 to 8 x 2048 on chip

Exposure Time

20 milliseconds to 183 minutes (2.56 microsecond increments)

Image Sequencing

1 to 65535 image sequences under software control

Frame Sizes

Full frame, subframe, focus mode

Cooling (typical)

Thermoelectric cooler with forced air. Maximum cooling up to 55?C below ambient temperature.

Dark Current (typical)

<1 e-/pixel/sec (-25?C)

Temperature Stability

+/- 0.1?C

Operating Environment

-25o to 40?C. Relative humidity: 10 to 90% non-condensing.


40W maximum power with shutter open and cooling maximum. AC/DC "brick" supply with int'l AC input plug (100-240V, 50-60Hz). Alternate 12V input from user's source.

Remote Triggering

LVTTL input allows exposure to start within 25 microseconds of rising edge of trigger.

Camera Head Size

Standard: D02. Low profile: D06. Aluminum, hard blue anodized. 6"x6"x 2.5" (15x15x6.35 cm) Weight: 3.1 lb. (1.4 kg).

Back Focal Distance

Standard: 1.025" (2.60cm). Low profile: 0.460" (1.17cm) [optical].


3.5" bolt circle. 2" 24 TPI thread. Optional Nikon F-mount or Canon FD or EF/EOS mount.


Standard: 43mm shutter. Low profile: no shutter.

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