Warning! JavaScript must be enabled for this form to work properly. Registration Form for ODSS2021 Required * Personal Details (Please use exactly the same spelling as in your passport) Name (family name) Name (given name) Nationality GenderMaleFemaleOther Date of Birth (dd.mm.yyyy) Email Address Personal Web Page (if any) Mobile Phone No. (with country code) Full Postal Address Curriculum Vitae and Interests Degree Currently Enrolled For (e.g. B.Sc., Hons., M.Sc., Ph.D What Level at present (e.g. 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, etc.) Name of University Name of Department Do you have a professional position?Do you have a professional position? If so, please provide details of your job and employer Please summarize briefly your work and interest in Optical design Expected Outcome Please state your reasons to attend webinar “NARIT Optical Design Summer School 2021” and your expectations Previous Experience Do you already have experience of Optical design methods and softwares? If so, please describe summarily Skills English will be the official language of the school. Please rate your English language skills for: Readingexcellentgoodacceptablepoor Writingexcellentgoodacceptablepoor Oralexcellentgoodacceptablepoor Are you familiar with the following OS/software? Windowsgoodsufficientpoorno ZEMAXgoodsufficientpoorno Code Vgoodsufficientpoorno OSLOgoodsufficientpoorno ASAPgoodsufficientpoorno Others Demographics Attach Photo Please provide a photo of yourself for ease of identification later by organizers and lecturers.